Short: Frozen#5o - Christmas Edition [2oo2] Author: Whelpz Uploader: Type: demo/aga _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ._\ ___/_\___ /_\ /_\__, /_\__ /_\___ /_. |:. _____/ _/ .: \\ / ____/ /__/ / | |_____/_ ___\_______\//_____\ :. _________/ .:_| ============================\_____\======/_____\= _______ _______ _______ ______ .\___ /_\ /_\ /_\ /__. f r o z e n | / _\ .: \_/ / :.| p a c k |.:/_______/_________________\___| i s s u e |____\====================twr/dzn 5 o c h r i s t m a s e d i t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - kickstart v 4o (3.1) - ahi v 4 - dbplayer.library v 2 - reqtools.library v 38 - xpkmaster.library v 5 - xpknuid.library - xpkidea.library - xpknuke.library - env: assign to speedup text please run blazewcp before frozen. c r e d i t s - - - - - - - ascii.............................Twister/deez'nuts code..........................................Cahir original code.............................DrOczkins title picture........................Mantra/various main graphics.........................Spark/various music................................Curtcool/depth compiler......................................Hakon release date.............................25.12.2oo2 to be always up-to-date about whelpz browse our homepage at: mobile users can check news and actual memberlist at: comments about whelpz send to: